While the above paragraph could probably work for many different things, the focus is on education. People complain and moan about how the educational system is broken, and how our children aren't learning enough to be able to keep our nation on par with other nations - and yet, when there is a budget shortfall, the biggest cuts come from our children. For make no mistake - when we take educational money away from the schools, we are stealing from our children.
I'm sure to many that would seem harsh, and maybe even a bit dramatic. But think about it - money is being taken away from the very system that needs it the most, and that stands to do the most good for our country. Money that should be ensuring our children can compete within the workforce, that should be helping them in their quest to be self-sufficient in the future and well-rounded citizens. Instead, they are losing school days, teachers are being laid off, buildings are hopelessly old and outdated...It's no different than stealing from Junior's college fund to help pay a gambling debt. The children are being short-changed for something they had no control over and no say in.
For example, the latest figures for this theft here are either 15 days removed from the school year or over 200 teachers laid off. That's just in our local school system, and that is AFTER some cuts have already been done! Then you have jackasses like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who is SUING his own Attorney General over stimulus funds that are designed to help STOP education cuts. He wants to use the money instead to cover his gambling debts...er, state debt. He is perfectly willing to gamble with the lives and futures of thousands of school children so he can satisfy his political ambitions (This issue has led to talk of him running for President in 2012...how stealing from children is a GOOD basis for election is beyond me.). All the while, I guarantee you that a good number of his constituents will continue to complain about the terrible education children are getting these days. "Well, in MY day...blah, blah, blah".
People, you're right! Our children are NOT getting education they should be getting, and no where near the education they deserve! But WAKE UP and smell the damn coffee - if you continue to allow your politicians and leaders to steal from your children to cover their debts, then your children will continue to suffer! It is not rocket science - there is no complicated formula. Here, I'll spell it out for you:
Education cuts + Action-less Complaining = A Failing Country and Short-Changed Students
To borrow a punishment from his part of the country, Gov. Sanford should be tarred and feathered, then run out of town. Stealing is stealing, and to take it from children while trying to burnish a political reputation is flat-out wrong. Unfortunately, he is not the only one doing this - just one of the more prominent.
Until our country stops paying lip-service to education and truly starts to put their money where their mouth is, our children will NOT be competitive in this world. Our country will NOT regain its prominence in math and science. And while our children are getting short-changed, ultimately, it is our entire country that will suffer.
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