Chris Brown's father (who, BTW, is a CORRECTIONS OFFICER. Hmph.) has gone on record as saying "We all have our shortcomings. We all trip.". Trip? In what universe was this a "trip"!? He beat the living crap out of the girl...she was in the hospital for at least one day and has to cancel 2 concerts (so far). When it comes to beating someone up, particularly in realm of domestic violence, there is no such thing as a "trip". And even worse, the general impression given by Brown's father is that all should be forgiven because he's famous....This is what he said:
"If you are on his side, you are on his side," he says. "Just because someone trips, if you are truly a fan, you are not going to demonize him instantaneously."So basically, anyone who likes his music needs to put blinders on and just remember him for his music? And for the rest of us, it was just an accident? I'm sorry, but that's a shitty message to send. A lot of the people who listen to these particular singing stars are teens - very impressionable teens. Kids who will hear the message that it's ok to beat the crap out of your girlfriend, because it's just a trip, right?
I wonder if Brown's father, in his role as a corrections officer, looks at the average murderer and says "It was just a stumble". What about thieves? Or embezzlers? Or does he make sure that the law is followed and the individuals pay their dues for their actions?
Why isn't Chris Brown standing up and taking responsibility for *his* actions? THAT is the message he should be sending, particularly if it truly was a mistake. Yes, people do things all the time that they regret - but when you take the low road and do something not only illegal, but downright vicious, then you'd better have the balls to stand up and take the consequences. If you are unable or unwilling to do that, then you deserve no respect and no second chances.
Brown has a unique opportunity to stand up and admit he was wrong, and be willing to get help. To send a message that domestic violence is never OK, and that help can and should be gotten to prevent further abuse. Instead, he is in hiding and his father is telling the press that it should all be overlooked. Apparently, one act of cowardice begets another.
Is that a "trip" too?
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